
  • Name: Winrock International Bangladesh
  • Services: Website Design and Development


The Ashshash project aims to support 5,000 men and women who have escaped trafficking (of which at least 70% are women) for sustainable reintegration into society. To share their national and international activities to their online visitors.

Tools & Technologies

Front end : HTML:5, CSS:3, JQuery Back end : C# Database : Microsoft SQL Server

Project Overview

Ashshash will have the facility to define different program component project like Psychosocial, Skills etc. Program component will be based on program documents or proposal. System will have the facility to create or delete organization type into the system which will be done by system administrator. Along with this, system administrator will each organizations information like name, address, logo etc. This information will further use in different option in the system like organize or provide training and/or other program wise activities.