
  • Name: Winrock International Bangladesh
  • Services: Web Application Development


The Ashshash project aims to support 5,000 men and women who have escaped trafficking (of which at least 70% are women) for sustainable reintegration into society. The men and women will be provided skills devolvement and entrepreneurial training for employment and improved livelihoods. In addition, the project will reach out to 300,000 people in focus districts, directly and indirectly, through awareness activities on human trafficking. Ashshash will work in five districts in two trafficking-prone divisions - Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar districts in Chattogram division and Khulna, Satkhira and Jashore districts in Khulna Division. Under the objectives and primary scopes of this assignment, the following activities will have to be carried out by RSA

  • Design, develop and implement a comprehensive, user-friendly automated (Web Enabled) MIS system for Ashshash project
  • Collection of all relevant information in the web-based platform
  • Enable the platform for generating useful reports which can measure the effect of the project
  • Design application in such a way which can help program as a support system for project monitoring, evaluation, learning

Tools & Technologies

Front end : HTML:5, CSS:3, JQuery Back end : C# Database : Microsoft SQL Server

1. Administration

Administration module of the system initializes master database for the overall system operation. Records that will be used for operating various other components of the system will be defined through this module including defining users and providing access rights to the users.

2. Organization Type and Information/Partners Profile

Winrock may have different types of organization’s involvement within the project area like Partner NGO (Technical/Implementing), Donor, Government, Private etc. System will have the facility to create or delete organization type into the system which will be done by system administrator. Along with this, system administrator will each organizations information like name, address, logo etc. This information will further use in different option in the system like organize or provide training and/or other program wise activities.

3. Organizational Staff Information

Through the web application system administrator will update organizational staff information which will include Winrock staff as well as technical and implementing partner’s staff.

4. Program Information/ Project Overview

System administrator will have the facility to define different program component under Ashshash project like Psychosocial, Skills etc. Program component will be based on program documents or proposal.

5. Service Criteria and Service Provider Information

Under each program element system administrator will define different service criteria (example given below) under specific program element as well as service provider information.